• Aluminium die-casting case
• GaAs power-doubler output stage
• Transistorised driver stage
• 862MHz frequency range
• Two outputs version
• Passive return path
• Remote powered switching power supply
• Level and TILT setup with modules
• Plug-in diplex filter
• Used in EttH systems.
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS___________________________________________________________
RF parameters
Amplifier type GaAs-PD MMIC
Forward path gain [dB] 34 ±1
Forward path bandwidth [MHz] 47-862 or 85-862
Return path bandwidth [MHz] 5-30 or 5-65
Diplex filter type [MHz] Plug-in 30/47; 65/85
Flatness [dB] ±0,75
Maximum output level (EN50083, 42 ch. 8dB TILT; CTB,CSO<-60dB) [dBµV] 109
Composite triple beat (77 ch. 104dBµV flat) [dB] -69
Cross modulation (77 ch. 104dBµV flat) [dB] -70
Composite second order (77 ch. 104dBµV flat) [dB] -68
Manual level setup [dB] (2dB steps) Plug-in 0-20
Manual TILT setup [dB] (2dB steps) Plug-in 0-20
TILT breakpoint frequency [MHz] 302, 606,750, 862
Noise figure [dB] 5
Testpoints (input, outputs) [dB] -30 ±1
Return loss (40MHz-1,5dB/octave) [dB] 18
Return path gain [dB] -2
Connecting impedance [Ω] 75
Screening factor [dB] 80
Output splitter, directional coupler [dB] 4, 8, 12, 16