The HRF-Dx headend RF forward path signal organizer family is designed for feeding optical segments with mixed
signals composed on the site. The HRF-D1 type splits the broadcast signal into 8 and it is able to add 8 different
narrowcast signal to all the outputs. The HRF-D2S type has 2x8 outputs and it works with two different level
narrowcast inputs. The level 1 (L1) inputs add 4 different narrowcast channels to all the outputs, while the level 2
(L2) inputs add 4 different narrowcast channels to a dedicated output. This allows to complete the spectrum of one
ore more segment with signals originating from the CMTS, SDA, monitoring gateway or a local TV studio. The
devices can be powered by the 1U sized HRF-PS type redundant power supply unit.
• Forward path frequency range up to 1218 MHz
• Powering redundancy
• Optional connection to the monitoring system
• Optimal signal levels without alignment by user
• Honoured with innovation price
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS___________________________________________________________
Forward path RF parameters HRF-D1 HRF-D2S
Number of broadcast input 1
Number of level 1 narrowcast inputs 8 4
Number of level 2 narrowcast inputs 0 8 x 4
Number of outputs 8 2 x 8
Frequency range [MHz] 47...1218
Nominal output level [dBµV] 95 (1) 2 x 80 (1)
Broadcast input level [dBµV] 95 (1)
Narrowcast input level [dBµV] 106 (1)
Flatness [dB] ±0.75
Return loss [dB] >16
CTB [dB] -69 (2)
CSO [dB] -68 (2)
General parameters HRF-D1 HRF-D2S
RF connector F
Power supply voltage [VDC] 12
Maximum power consumption [W] 16 10
Screening factor [dB] 80
Operational temperature range [°C] 0…+40
Dimensions [mm] 43.5x483x260
Weight [kg] 3.8