This is a full value line amplifier with input bypass function for feeding more lines in compact housing. Beside the
comfort functions available in other line extenders this type is available with either local or remote powering.
Based on the above features the device can be used as a distribution amplifier with extreme high output level too.
Benefits :
• Downstream frequency range up to 1006 MHz
• Upstream frequency range up to 204 MHz
• Optional connection to Monitoring System
• GaN output stage
• Automatic gain and slope control
• Automatic ingress management by the RSW module
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS___________________________________________________________
Forward path RF parameters LA1036 LA1040 LA1044
Amplifier type GaN PD hybrid
Gain [dB] 36 +2/-0 40 +2/-0 44 +2/-0
Frequency range [MHz] 47...1006 (1)
Equaliser breakpoint frequency [MHz] 862, 1006 (2)
RF attenuator range [dB] 0...22 (3)
RF equaliser range [dB] 0...18 (4)
Flatness [dB] ±0.75
Return loss (40MHz -1.5dB/octave) [dB] >18
RF testpoint attenuation [dB] 30±1
CTB [dB] -73 (5)
CSO [dB] -76 (5)
Noise-to-power ratio (NPR) maximum / Dynamic range of NPR > 42 [dB] 60 / 25 (6) (7)
ASG insertion loss (20°C) [dB] 6.5
ASG control range [dB] ±4
ASG flatness [dB] ±0.5
Noise figure [dB] 7
Output splitter, directional coupler [dB] Plug-in 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
Reverse path RF parameters LA10xx-AD-xx-20 LA10xx-AD-xx-25
Gain [dB] 20±1 25±1
Frequency range [MHz] 5...204
Diplex filter [MHz] 65/85, 85/105, 204/258
RF attenuator range [dB] 0...22 (3)
RF equaliser range [dB] 0...14 (3) (8)
Flatness [dB] ±0.75
Input return loss (40MHz -1.5dB/octave) [dB] >18
RF testpoint attenuation [dB] 30±1
Ingress control switch (RSW) states 0dB/-6dB/-50dB, 0dB/-6dB/-50dB/HPF20
Noise-to-power ratio (NPR) maximum / Dynamic range of NPR > 36 [dB] 57 / 27 (9) (10)