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MO-E 1x2 segmentable R-phy ...

The MO-E is a 1.2 GHz optical node built-up using the Comtech shell system. The device provides 2 splittable high-level outputs as well as the possibility for using 2 upstream transmitters. Thanks to the fully electronic alignment based on the display and keyboard integrated in each node, installation is very quick and easy. The reverse path RF signal ways are selected automatically depending on whether 1 or 2 transmitter modules are installed. Cost efficiency and felixibility were important aspects of the design, so the options are implemented as independent modules, accordingly the ingress control switches don't require the presence of a monitoring transponder

Benifits :- 

• Downstream frequency range up to 1218 MHz
• Upstream frequency range up to 204 MHz
• Fully electronic alignment
• Optional connection to Monitoring System
• GaN output stage
• Optional CWDM return path
• Automatic optical gain control
• Ingress management by the RSW module
• Remote PHY ready construction

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS___________________________________________________________
Forward path parameters
Wavelength [nm]                                                                               1100…1650
Input optical power [dBm]                                                                     -7…+2
Equivalent input noise current [pA/√Hz]                                                   4.5
Frequency range [MHz]                                                                       47...1218
Equalizer breakpoint frequency [MHz]                                                   1218
Gain limited output RF level at 4% OMI/channel [dBµV]          113±1 @ 47 MHz
119±1 @ 1218 MHz
Nominal slope [dB]                                                                                    6
Flatness [dB]                                                                                         ±0.75
Output return loss (40MHz -1.5dB/octave) [dB]                                    >18
Input RF testpoint level at 4% OMI/channel [dBµV]                              86±1
Output RF testpoint attenuation [dB]                                                    20±1
CTB [dB]                                                                                               -70 (1)
CSO [dB]                                                                                              -68 (1)
Noise-to-power ratio (NPR) maximum / Dynamic range of NPR > 42 [dB] >46 / 36 (2) (3)

Reverse path parameters
Output optical power [mW]                                                    2, 4 (3, 6 dBm) (4)
Wavelength [nm] 1310 DFB,                                                    1270...1610 CWDM
Frequency range [MHz]                                                                     5...204
Diplex filter [MHz]                                                               65/85, 85/105, 204/258
RF input level (10% OMI/channel) [dBµV]                                          75±1
Flatness [dB]                                                                                        ±0.5
Input return loss (40MHz -1.5dB/octave) [dB]                                   >18
Reverse path RF testpoint level [dBµV]                                        75+1/-2 (5)
Ingress control switch (RSW) states                                 0dB/-6dB/-50dB/HPF20
Noise-to-power ratio (NPR) maximum / Dynamic range of NPR > 36 [dB] 45 / 9 (6)
Isolation between segments [dB]                                                        >65

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