• Element of CWDM networks
• For optical racks
• Helps to keep CAPEX low
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS___________________________________________________________
Optical parameters OPCH04 OPCH08 OPCH16/18
Operating wavelength [nm] 1470...1530 1470...1610 1270...1610
Channel spacing [nm] 20
Channel passband (Bandwidth) [nm] ±7.5
Insertion loss [dB] <1.5 <2.5 <3.5
Channel uniformity [dB] <0.6 <1.0 <1.5
Channel ripple [dB] <0.3
Isolation (adjacent; non adjacent channel) [dB] >30; >40
Insertion loss temperature sensitivity [dB] <0.5
Directivity [dB] >50
Return loss [dB] >45
Polarization dependent loss [dB] <0.1
Maximum optical power [mW] 300
General parameters
Temperature range [°C] -5…+75
Dimensions [mm] 100x80x10